Protected work, the holder of exclusive rights is the University of Evry Val d'Essonne
For questions about rights and access usage contact Ms Tahi: fariza.tahi@ibisc.univ-evry.fr
Stéfan Engelen, Fariza Tahi."Tfold: efficient in silico prediction of non-coding RNA secondary structures".Nucleic Acids Res; 38(7):2453-66. Apr 2010.
P-DCFold / DCFold
Fariza Tahi, Stéfan Engelen, Mireille Régnier.P-DCFold or How to Predict all Kinds of Pseudoknots in Rna Secondary Structures.International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools; 14(5):703-716. 2005.
Fariza Tahi, Stéfan Engelen, Mireille Régnie.
"A fast algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction including pseudoknots".Third IEEE Symposium on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE'03); bibe, pp.11. March 2003.
Fariza Tahi, Manolo Gouy, Mireille Régnier."Automatic RNA Secondary Structure Prediction with a Comparative Approach.Computers and Chemistry; 26:521-530, 2002.
Stéfan Engelen and Fariza Tahi."Predicting RNA secondary structure by the comparative approach: how to select the homologous sequences".BMC Bioinformatics; 8:464. 2007.
Stéfan Engelen and Fariza Tahi."An Open Problem in RNA Secondary Structure Prediction by the Comparative Approach".International MultiConference in Computer Science and Computer Engineering (METMBS'04); Las Vegas, USA. 2004.
Tempel S, Tahi F. A fast ab-initio method for predicting miRNA precursors in genomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jun 1;40(11):e80.
S. Tempel, N.Pollet and F. Tahi. ncRNAclassifier: a tool for the detection of transposable element sequences in RNA hairpins and their classification. JOBIM, 245-252, 2011.
V.D. Tran, B. Zerath, S. Tempel, F. Zehraoui and F. Tahi. BoostSVM: A miRNA classifier with high accuracy using boosting SVM. JOBIM, 259-266, 2012.
Some valuable documents...
- Thesis (in french), 2006.
- Thesis presentation (in french), 2006.